Press Release: Washington Public Library awarded 2021 Technology Mini Grant

Washington Public Library has been awarded a 2021 Technology Mini Grant in the amount of $8,789. The grant will fund two projects: $7,169 will fund the replacement of the children’s area early learning workstations. Two new AWE Early Learning Platinum Workstations are installed at the library. These workstations include Early Literacy Station Platimum, AfterSchool Edge Platinum, and Bilingual Spanish Literacy Station Platinum. These stations are available to the general public. $1,620 will fund five M1 Portable LED Projectors with Kardon Speakers. These will be available for checkout by Washington Public Library patrons in early 2022. This project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.

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Press Release: Washington Public Library Receives Grant for $7,588

Washington Public Library has been notified by the Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft and State Library Robin Westphal that they have received a Strengthen Missourian’s Grant in the amount of $7,588.00 This grant will continue the funding of 20 Hot Spots for patron use at Washington Public Library. The library has a total of 32 Hotspots. The library expresses it’s gratitude for this grant, which will help serve patrons who have limited access to the Internet. This project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.

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Elephant & Piggie Party

Elephant and Piggie Party

You are invited to a party! An Elephant & Piggie Party! Music and dancing to rock in the new year. The antics of this lovable duo come alive with our puppet show, featuring stories taken from the acclaimed series by Mo Willems. Meet-and-greet with Elephant & Piggie themselves brings ‘mo excitement to our party.

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What can I do with my library card?

What Can I Do With my library card logo

Search the Library Catalog for books, magazines, CDs, DVDs and more! (There are over 3.8 million item available in the Evergreen catalog.) Download the Missouri Evergreen App. (This app makes putting holds on materials easy. Trouble logging in? Call 636-390-1070 for password/login assistance.) Checkout a board game for a gaming night with family or friends. Checkout a telescope. Get eBooks, eAudio, eMagazines, and eMusic from the Digital Library. You can download the apps directly to your device! Checkout eAudiobooks for road trips. Read children’s picture books on Tumblebooks. Are you a veteran? Get online veteran support. Use a research database. (You can dowload the EBSCO App for easy searching.) Learn a Foreign Language. Watch a Movie in Kanopy. Learn how to draw, paint, sew, knit and more, at your own pace, in Creativebug. Get Help with your homework from an online tutor. Take a practice DMV test, or a practice test for the ACT, SAT, AP, and PSAT/NMSQT. Lookup a car repair manual. Attend a Program. (Click to view a calendar of the upcoming library programs. All programs are free.) Stay in touch with the library on Facebook. (We post lots of updates to Facebook.) Use a Study Room or reserve a Meeting Room. Read the newspaper. The library subscribes to several newspapers. Join a Reading Challenge. (We offer seasonal and year-round reading challenges.) Join a Book Club. (We have 2 active book clubs.) Join the Friends of the Library. (This nonprofit group raises money to support the library and programs.) Listen to a story. Do you need something printed? You can send a print job from home and pick it up at the library. ( 0.15 cents per page) Send a fax. (0.50 cents per page)

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Let’s Talk! Community Conversations Signup

Community Conversations Advertisement

Register using the form below. You can also register by calling the library, 636-390-1070. All are welcome to join in a community conversation about homelessness.  These are open-ended conversations designed to be a civil time to learn, reflect, and share information, experiences, and ideas. Trained facilitators will keep our time together on track and on topic.  Conversations are Sponsored by the American Library Association via a Libraries Transforming Communities Grant.

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